Fostering Healthy Habits in 2022 - Follow my journey

Image with the words, the quality of your habits dictates the quality of your life

Habits play a massive part in dictating our health. I want to see how easy it is to make healthy habits (or break unhealthy habits) so I am running an experiment over the course of 2022 (a very long experiment!?!).

During 2022, I am trialing a new healthy habit each month. The aim is for these new habits to be easy to do every day. All can be done in 20 mins or under (or a shorter 5 min version for those days that are crazy busy).

I’ll be testing out whether practicing these habits proactively rather than doing them reactively when feeling stressed, really makes a difference.

It’s the everyday actions that compound to make a difference. If you start having a 20min walk before work every day, then this isn’t going to make a difference next week. But if you did it every day for 6 months, then that is over 60 hours of extra walking that you will have done. ⁠

There are many differing views & research on how long it can take to form a habit. & there are many things that can influence it such as:

  • Your enjoyment of the habit

  • If you experience benefits of it immediately or do the benefits only appear weeks or months later?

  • Is it difficult to fit into your life?

  • Is there a trigger that prompts you to do the habit?

I am going to put this all to the test every month during 2022. I will update you via these blog posts and hopefully you can take away the learnings and find a healthy habit to introduce yourself.

In January, I did yoga every day (for 20 mins or under). In Feb, I introduced more nutrients into my diet by eating green leafy veg with at least 2 meals per day. & in March I am going to journal every day.

I am a bit behind with my blog posts (as you can tell, seeing as this is 2 months late!!). But I will update you as to my learnings with the Jan & Feb habit in the next few weeks.

& let me know if there is a healthy habit that you’d like me to trial in 2022.

If you’d like to chat about habits or coaching, then please schedule a call below: